Wednesday, April 13, 2011

As We Wish

Nic made a chain to count down the days until T$ comes home. (Mind you the count now is less than a week) And on the chain it said "go to as you wish" No no friends not <-- that as you wish, although I would give anything for that sweet tasty farm boy to say that to me every day. What As You Wish am I talking about? Just a magical little place next to AMC 24 theater on Baseline and Stapley. A place where you can pick a mug or an owl, or anything else they have in the store, and paint them yourself!

They have samples so you can get some ideas of what you want your piece of art to look like

 so Beans



 Picked and painted our own masterpieces
A Saturday well spent! We picked them up 3 days later and enjoyed our beautiful wish.. ha


  1. I've always wanted to go there but i am so not creative - I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like whatever I made. I know, I'm pretty complicated.


    potential blog header?

  3. i want a mustache mug! ahh! those are way fun. excellent activity.
