Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Under Pressure

I take cold showers. People from all over the world have questioned me on this but I have yet to change my ways and here is why. Number 1 cold showers are better for you. They
  • Improve circulation- I have terrible circulation, my hands and feet are like 80 year old man hands and feet, ALWAYS COLD, however it's getting better.
  • Relieve depression- Not depressed, why you ask? One word: Cold Showers
  • Keep skin and hair healthy- Do you know anyone who has better hair than me?
  • Strengthen immunity- Rarely sick..whats up
  • Increase energy and well-being- "am I energetic and well....beinged?" BABS: "uh ya, feel my face"
 Second of all I hate scalding hot showers. I feel like I am sweating, and FYI, I shower to get the sweat off not put more on. I get all sorts of antsy and I can't even finish my shower. Now let me put all of your queries to rest by saying that my showers are not like

ice cold to the point where you would die.

They are more like when you fill up the bath tub and then let it sit for like 15 min without getting in it. That's about how cold I like my showers. I also take rough showers. I hate going to hotels when the water pressure is a mere dribble. I need power! I have a lot of hair and sometimes the shampoo takes the scenic way out 
of my hair. 

   So I need serious heat behind that water. Not the temperature heat - no heat, like the kind of heat Randy Johnson puts on a fastball before The Babe knocks it out of the park

I never realized it but I am rather particular about the way I shower.

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