Monday, February 28, 2011

Heart Jumps

Let me tell you how I feel about 3D. Frankly, I hate it.

Things flying off the screen right at my face, not okay. "Come on Cait. It creates a world where you feel involved, like you're right in the middle of the action." Here is the deal peeps. If I wanted to be "in the middle of the action" I would join the army. 3D movies make me antsy and my heart jumps anytime I think something is going to happen. I spend the entire movie wondering what is going to smack me in the face next, like a sweet surprise shark attack about to chomp all my vital parts off. 

Or a giant rap-tor deciding it's okay to eat me instead of little baby dinosaurs. 

Yes yes, I know that it's not really coming at me but it looks like it is. Haven't we been taught since birth to believe everything we see and hear? I was. So I believe when something comes flying off the screen at my face the only way to save myself is to take off those ridiculous looking glasses. But when you do take them off to save yourself the movie ends up looking like this


I hold on to them through the whole movie just in case. I have only enjoyed one movie in 3D - can you guess? YOU'RE RIGHT. Justin Bieber Never Say Never. The reasons I loved it: First of all, it's JB. How can you not love it. Number 2: Nothing flew at my face. His hand simply reached out to caress my face. Other than that, nothing should ever come off that screen, not even butterflies. Nic and Breezy and Kris all say I'm a baby about it. But I say hey there snooty snoots, IT'S FREAKY!

Friday, February 25, 2011

I don't see it

PEOPLE say that I remind them of this girl right here

That is cute that is cute

Is that your hhhh or did you just ffff?

My little bru bru

My little bri bri
scooby doo


So today I went to school
I parked my car as usual
Went to class as usual
Came out of class back out to my car as usual.

A, no, let me re-phrase
A FLOCK OF BIRDS took their little behind cannons and took 12 SHOTS!! of poop on my car.

That's right people I parked underneath a light pole. They sat up there chillin all day.
Just waitin to take a dookie all over my car.
OO it took a host of angels to keep me from committing birdie murder.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The wisdom of the wise

I have a quote book and it looks like this.

Inside it is full of quotes that I have found or have been told over the years. I started when I was 14 years old and personally I love it. Any quote or saying that I find and love I write it down in this little spiral notebook. I believe everyone should have one. Examples of quotes inside the book:

  • A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.
                                                            -Maya Angelou

  • You know that place between asleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I will always love you. That's where I'll be waiting.
                                                          -Tinker Bell (Hook)

  • Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.
                                                              -Robert Frost

  • We breathe. We pulse. We regenerate. Our hearts beat. Our minds create. Our souls ingest. 37 seconds, well used, is a lifetime.
                                                             -Edward Magorium (Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium)

    • I'm still waiting for you to be the one I'm waiting for.
                                                               -Reliant K

    • Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy.

    Monday, February 21, 2011

    You look familiar

    You know when you see someone and you automatically analyze their looks and compare them to something or someone well known. Take my last post for instance. Most people say Cait = Kelly Clarkson. NBD right? Okay well I am guilty of this but I rarely compare the person in question to a well known celeb. I usually compare them to an animal, fictional cartoons or characters, or an inanimate object. So in theses past few days I have literally seen people that have looked like....

    The prospector from Toy Story

    Carl from Big Fish

    a Fish

    The Orbit gum lady

    A skinny lamp, or a cactus. I couldn't decide

    Ronnie from Jersey Shore

    and a taller version of Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory

    Friday, February 18, 2011

    Attention Libra

    So check it out. Most of you who know me, know that I am a pretty outgoing person and that shy is not usually a word associated with describing me. However, if you really really know me you also know that when it comes to boys men I become a twisted mangled wreck like a train off its tracks. My tongue ties itself into knots and shoves itself down my throat and into my stomach. I partly blame all of those chick flicks I'm so obsessed with. HA - making me believe that some super perfect man is going to see me from across the room and walk right up to me and start a conversion. But you see, that would happen in a world where good things happen to me but that's not really where we live. We live in a place where if I see a boy I like, I am usually the one to start the conversation. Ironically however, I can't even remember how to put together the letters H, E, and Y when I am around "him." Trust me peeps I can talk some pretty sweet game to friends, but when it actually comes time to perform I choke like Christina Aguiera at the super bowl.

    Me: "HELLO! OO he is so good looking. You know what, I am just going to go up to him and kiss him and he won't even know what hit him." (I really would to Paul Walker)
    ImageShack, share photos of paul walker, paule walker, share pictures of paul walker, paule walker, share video of paul walker, paule walker, free image hosting, free video hosting, image hosting, video hosting.

    Friend: "Okay do it."
    Me: "Fine." ( I turn and strut towards the man in question and about half way there spin around and walk right back to where I was standing)
    Me: "I chickened out"
    Friend: "Typical"
    Me: "One of these days I'm going to do it!!"
    Friend: "Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. RIOT!"

    There it is, for all the world to see. I am shy when I get around a boy I like. My hands get sweaty, and my eye starts to twitch. For all intents and purposes I would most likely faint before I could figure out a way to make the sentence come out of my mouth. Then, of course after fainting, I would say something along the lines of "your eyes have a little green in them," after which I would heave my mornings breakfast all over his Nike's. Maybe it's best if I just kept my mouth shut. Then I would never meet anyone and life would go on as intended. My reasoning behind telling you all of this is so maybe you can give me advice. 

    Young people under the age of....old. Please please help me. I want him to be wowed and to remember me. Something better then "hey" or "hi." I'm going for memorable here team! I want fireworks, lasers, those little white balls you throw on the floor and they do a mini explosion, and fire breathers. I will accept nothing short of astonishing.   

    Your advice most likely will not be used because I am an impaired human being. I just mostly want to see what you would do, and possibly what you think I could do. 

    Thursday, February 17, 2011


    (long and rather unnecessary pause) is American Idol

    Now I just want you to know that this is not the first time I have been compared to an American Idol contestant. These are the two....

    Now, are you ready for the sweet catch? They can sing, and I cannot. As I see it that is the only difference. With that being said, I think it is safe to say that if American Idol was not a singing competition the winners would either be..

    Ke$ha....ew she's so classy I may vomit

    OR ME

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    ...say cheese

    My siblings and I rarely take family photos. So for Christmas I decided it would be awesome to have a photo shoot with my brother and sisters and then frame a couple of them and give them to my parents, you know as like a gift or something. I don't really know what I was thinking. We started off...

    Strong except for Max and Mookers
    Then all of us lost it

    ...I mean really lost it
     We got tired of smiling

    In this one, umm.. Babs looks cute
     And here Mookie looks cute

     I can't even hold it together for one picture dang it!! This one was everyones' favorite and my hair, as usual, is doing its own thing.

    We really really did try and out of that whole session we got an okay picture, its still not great

    AND A WINNER PICTURE...I mean as winner as you can get with us as the main subject of the photos

    Tuesday, February 15, 2011

    Books are Better

    Twilight was awful.
    New Moon was a little better.
    Eclipse was pretty great - mostly everything I wanted it to be.
    The books however were all brilliant as expected.

    Mind you, the only reason I watch these movies is because of Major Jasper Whitlock of the Texas Cavalry.
    Yea I recorded it off of my TV so I can watch it whenever I want. He IS sexy.

    Monday, February 14, 2011

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    What's a Bieber

    People just do not understand The Biebs.
    I am in a reading choice because it is 3 credits so I thought, why not? Easy A, right?
    It's a total joke...everyone in there is like foreign. So English is like their second language. So naturally reading is hard for them. Besides the point that 98% of the time I am bored in that class. So I draw. So yesterday I was drawing something like this on my piece of paper...
    not exactly this but pretty similar

    The kid next to me then asks me, "What are you, 12?"
    I have never given a dirtier look to anyone in my whole life.
    I was almost rude enough to say "YEAH?! Well you can't read so suck it!"
    People just do not understand.
    He is the most amazing person in this whole world. I have thought this for months now. Last night I went to see the midnight showing of his movie with my neighbors, t-bone (2:20) and lashtastic...

    Yes, three summers ago we made up nicknames for each other. I have a new found respect for Justin Bieber.


    He was so young when he started and he is only 16 now but he has the most beautiful voice. There was a part in the movie when he brought a girl up on stage and sang to her...just her. I FREAKED! Let's be honest here, I cried. He literally made tears come out of my face. I was like a little girl, weak and submissive. I have never been that way in a movie theater. I lost my voice I was screaming so loud. AND IT WAS IN 3D! He was singing and reaching out to me and I touched his hand. This post should probably be in movie reviews but I don't care. I'm in love with him...

    You don't get it

    Thursday, February 10, 2011

    Two things to remember

    I have had braces a full total of ten times
    10 times.
    Now my teeth are where they should be,
    and they better stay there or I am having them extracted.

    I am in love with my own hair.
    It really is so great.
    Most of the time it does exactly what I want it to do
    so sometimes I take horridly vain
    and somewhat ridicules pictures of myself all day
    doing things like this

    but you will notice, its all about teeth and hair people