Wednesday, February 16, 2011

...say cheese

My siblings and I rarely take family photos. So for Christmas I decided it would be awesome to have a photo shoot with my brother and sisters and then frame a couple of them and give them to my parents, you know as like a gift or something. I don't really know what I was thinking. We started off...

Strong except for Max and Mookers
Then all of us lost it

...I mean really lost it
 We got tired of smiling

In this one, umm.. Babs looks cute
 And here Mookie looks cute

 I can't even hold it together for one picture dang it!! This one was everyones' favorite and my hair, as usual, is doing its own thing.

We really really did try and out of that whole session we got an okay picture, its still not great

AND A WINNER PICTURE...I mean as winner as you can get with us as the main subject of the photos