Thursday, December 16, 2010


After 21 years of service in the ongoing Arizona fight against scorpions, I Cait was stung last night around seven thirty PM. The sucker sneak attacked me! Also if you have ever been to my house you know that everything is BROWN!! The cabinets, the carpet, the counters, and the banisters....thats where Chax sat and waited. Yeah I named him get over it. My sister called me to the bottom of the stairs so I came to her aid. Mookie has been sick for quite some time now and being the amazing big sister that I am, I have been taking care of her. As I ran my hand up the banister I felt a sharp pain on the base of my thumb in between my index finger and my thumb. What ran through my head first you ask...."ouch oh yeah must be a splinter." If I were only so lucky to have it be a splinter. Mookie says to me "its a scorpion I just know it!" 
Of course she was right as little sisters never are. I began to scream and cry. Poor mooks had no idea what to do. She called my dad and he said more ice. I was hysterical at this point. She got me a bag of ice and we put it on my hand. I asked her for my phone..I called  Nic, Breezy and Cam to tell them all tonight was probably  not a good night to hang out. The pain you ask..yeah unlike anything I've ever felt. Torture. It was slowly creeping its way up my arm. It felt like flaming knives were shooting through my veins. All the way up to my armpit was in such intense pain. Everything felt numb. No, not the cool kind of numb when you can hit stuff and feel nothing, oh no. This was a different kind of numb. A tingling sensation as if my whole arm was asleep. A painful sleep. Every time I tried to move my had or arm it got worse. It took everything I had inside of me (that wasn't on fire) not to hyperventilate. All the terrible thoughts you have when you think your going to die went through my head.  I was terrified and  I had to take it out on someone.....Chax. He was going to die on this very miserable December 15th night. He would pay for making me, a human 80 billion times bigger than he is, feel this way. So helpless. He was going to suffer just as I was suffering. I went under the sink in our house and found a spray can labeled "especially for wretched scorpion beasts." Perfect. Mookie and I went down stairs and found him laying on the brown carpet, untouched, unmoving. His freaky little eyes staring at me. But before I could think clearly I found myself spraying him....still spraying him and continuing to spray him for about a minute and a half until he lay in a pile of white foam. This saddened me just a tid bit because afterward I decided it probably would have been a lot more satisfying to put vinegar on his back and watch him kill himself. Finally  I left him. Struggling in the foam. Wallowing in freakish misery. Until he went back from whence he came. Oddly enough I slept like a baby and now it has been 15 hours and the tingling numbness in out of my arm, but not my had. My thumb and index finger have lost all feeling which is not good because it is my right hand. The internet says within 24 hours I should be almost completely healed. I'm skeptical. Kris's wedding to The Shan Man is on Saturday.....its Thursday and I am all sorts of worried will not be able to hold my flowers. The worst part about all this is that any picture or sight of a scorpion now sends me into a catatonic state. Paralyzed with fear.  

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