Thursday, March 3, 2011

Do The Creep

The other day, and by the other day I clearly mean like months ago, I was at this party. No no girls and boys, not those neon dance parties all them sweet pre-teen pubesent children go to. This was a grown up party - there was dip and a movie. That's beside the point. We (my friends and I) did not watch the movie. We were sitting in the other room talking about something adult-like when my good old friend J.P. looks at me and says:

jp- we need to talk
cait- oh boy
jp- oh no girl, I realized something the other day
cait- congrats kiddo what was it?
jp- we've met before!

See in my head I knew exactly how many times sweet little JP and I had come in contact with each other before. However I was not about to let him know that! He's cute and I am not about to be

that girl So I said:

cait- Oh jp, where? Please do tell!!
jp- well when we were all talking outside tyler's house, you were there, and I was there! And when Brian and his brother went on that Jack-in-the-Box run, we were both there 
cait- you don't say
jp- yeah and also we went to EFY together

Now this one really did shock me because I did not ever remember meeting JP at any EFY event. I only went twice - how many people could there be. I went home and looked at old EFY pictures and sure enough, there was JP on my compy.

 First off this is our group EFY 2006 Flagstaff

These boys always did this weird cross their arms and say pizza thing
I could not explain even if I tried...I COULDN'T FIND THE VIDEO

some kid                  SWEET LITTLE JP!!

 These were the cool boys...yeah remember how I was 16

JP                        CAIT                SOME KID

 I recently went on a date (smiley face) with this kid's friend,
found out they were friends
and now he and I are Facebook friends

 Reconnected with this kid again as well

But How Sick!! He and I had met when I was a different kind of creepy, the kind of creepy when you have really really long hair but you don't do anything with it, and you wear super dark make up and wear black shirts because you think its cool.

Back when I looked like this..

 Oh no one else went through that stage? Bummer.


  1. hahahaha you just made me feel terrible about my hair (since it is really long and I don't do anything with it) but I LOVE your old EFY pictures as in I remember that old k8 and still love her for that terrible eye liner :D

  2. He looks like Justin Bieber before Bieber was the THING! You all were ahead of the curve...

  3. haha i love it. and whats up with your getting all fresh with the counselors. HOLLA!
